scansteel foodtech screw conveyor

Slide scansteel foodtech
Screw Conveyor
Slide scansteel foodtech
Screw Conveyor
Slide scansteel foodtech
Screw Conveyor
Slide scansteel foodtech
Screw Conveyor
Slide scansteel foodtech
Screw Conveyor
Slide Example of scansteel
foodtech superGiraff with
buffer silo with stirring/
feeding device to prevent
bridge building.
Slide Example of scansteel
foodtech superGiraff with
buffer silo with stirring/
feeding device to prevent
bridge building.
Slide scansteel foodtech
standard Giraff for
positioning under a grinder
and/or a flaker.
Slide Top view of scansteel
foodtech superGiraff,
showing stirring/feeding
Slide scansteel foodtech
standard Giraff shown in
cleaning position. Note
the vertical screw is 100%
accessible for cleaning
(no hidden zones).
Slide More information will
be coming soon..
scansteel foodtech fertigt ein breites Sortiment von Schneckenförderern, wie z.B.: Schneckenförderern, Giraff-Schneckenförderern und Vertikalen Schneckenförderern.
  • scansteel foodtech® Schneckenförderer sind schräg oder horizontal.
  • scansteel foodtech® Schneckenförderer sind horizontal/vertikal als eine Einheit.
  • scansteel foodtech® Vertikale Schneckenförderer sind für Montagedirekt am Wolfsauslässen.
scansteel foodtech screw conveyor
scansteel foodtech screw conveyor
Video of scanGiraff Ø240 mm.
scansteel foodtech screw conveyor
scansteel foodtech screw conveyor
Giraff Schneckenförderer: scanGiraff

scansteel foodtech® standard scanGiraff

scansteel foodtech® scanGiraff with Buffer Silo

scansteel foodtech® scanGiraff for Heavy Duty Applications